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How long does it take to get a Private Pilot's license?

It will take an average of 6-12 months to earn your private pilot's license.   The timing is entirely up to the individual's schedule.  We are here to work with your schedule and your pace to fly when it is best for you including weekends. 

How much does it cost to earn the Private Pilot's license?

Depending upon the individual it can cost between $15,000 to $18,000 (approx.) depending on how frequently you fly and how quickly you master the skills you need to safely pilot an aircraft.   This includes roughly 65 flight hours, ground school, instructor time, written exam and other costs.   Our rates are $170/hr wet (with fuel) and $70 with instructor .  

What is the first step toward getting a Private Pilot's license?

The first step is to get scheduled for a Discovery flight with us.  This is a 2 hour block of time where the instructor will walk you through a preflight, start, taxi and takeoff, then let you fly the airplane once you safely reach cruising altitude.  This experience will allow you to 'discover' if this is something you'd like to pursue.   More often than not, this is a huge 'smile inducing' event that makes people want to come back for more and work toward getting their license .  

Great! After Private, then what?  How do I progress toward the airlines?

Earning your private pilot license is the first step of several you will take on the journey.  The next is to get instrument rated, then earn commercial rating.  At that point you can begin getting paid to fly.  You will need 1500 hours before you can apply to the airlines . One of the most popular ways to get there is to become a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI).  It is said that the best airline pilots have come from the ranks of CFIs.

What type of airplanes does Flight Deck Aviation use?

We use the Cessna 172 Skyhawk-one of the best trainers for general aviation in the world.  In fact, many of the pilots who are flying with the commercial airlines now likely started their journey in just such an airplane.  It is safe, fun to learn to fly, and extremely stable.  In short, a great plane.  Since we only have the Skyhawk, it makes flying and scheduling much easier since they both are the same model of aircraft !

What about your curriculum?  What ground school does the school use?

We use Sportys' training for all of our pilots, from private to commercial and beyond. They provide a complete library of of award winning video courses, and you can learn anywhere you have your phone, tablet or laptop.  You get access to a complete online resource library of FAA publications as well-a smart investment in your flying career! 

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